Different project outcomes and publications of IDCOREans are listed below (click on title to access document)
- Optimal investment for energy transmission options for offshore wind considering multiple energy vectors. Macleod, et al, Energy Proceedings, 2024.
- Floating offshore wind – an overview of marine spatial planning and the needs of the industry. Dvorak et al, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024.
- Offshore Wind-To-Hydrogen: the Impact of Intermittency on Hydrogen Production and Transport. Summers et al, International Conference on Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), 2024
- On the Performance of a Horizontally Mounted ADCP in an Energetic Tidal Environment for Floating Tidal Turbine Applications. Dillenburger-Keenan et al, Sensors, 2024.
- Practicalities of Standard-Compliant Incident Resource Measurement for Floating Tidal Energy. Dillenburger-Keenan et al, The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2024.
- On the utility of partially corrupted flow measurement data arising from adjacent acoustic Doppler current profilers for energy yield assessment. Evans et al. Measurement: Sensors, 2024.
- Developing circularity metrics for the maritime industry: A stakeholder focused study. Andrews et al. Ocean Engineering, 2024.
- Tidal turbine power performance assessments following IEC TS 62600-200 using measured and modelled power outputs. Evans et al. Renewable Energy, 2023.
- Comparison of Operation and Maintenance of Floating 14 MW Turbines and Twin 10 MW Turbines. Avanessova et al. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Open Journal of Engineering, 2023.
- Offshore Logistics: Scenario Planning and Installation Modelling of Floating Offshore Wind Projects. Torres et al. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Open Journal of Engineering, 2023.
- Coupled Analysis of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under Combined Wave and Current. Elobeid et al. Poster presentation, WindEurope, 2023.
- Review of LIDAR-assisted Control for Offshore Wind Turbine Applications Russell et al. Journal of Physics, 2022.
- Impact on Energy Yield of Varying Turbine Designs under Conditions of Misalignment to the Current Flow. Evans et al. Energies, 2023.
- Experimental results from the hybridisation of wave and solar energy to provide consistent power to islanded loads. Versey et al. Proceedings of 2022 11th International Conference on Renewable Power Generation.
- Analysing the effectiveness of different offshore maintenance base options for floating wind farms. Avanessova et al. Wind Energy Science, 2022.
- Hydrodynamic Performance of an Innovative Semisubmersible Platform With Twin Wind Turbines. Elobeid et al. Proceedings of ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering.
- A systematic review of transferable solution options for the environmental impacts of tidal lagoons. Elliott et al. Marine Policy, 2019.
- Environmental interactions of tidal lagoons: A comparison of industry perspectives. Elliott et al. Renewable Energy, 2018.
- Re-creation of site-specific multi-directional waves with non-collinear current. Draycott et al. Ocean Engineering, 2018.
- Dynamic mooring simulation with Code_Aster with application to a floating wind turbine. Antonutti et al. Ocean Engineering, 2018.
- A model to map levelised cost of energy for wave energy projects. Frost et al. Ocean Engineering, 2018.
- Offshore wind installation vessels - A comparative assessment for UK offshore rounds 1 and 2. Paterson et al. Ocean Engineering, 2018.
- Reactive control of a two-body point absorber using reinforcement learning. Anderlini et al. Ocean Engineering, 2018.
- Code comparison of a NREL-FAST model of the Levenmouth wind turbine with the GH bladed commissioning results. Serret et al. Proceedings of the ASME 37th international conference on ocean, offshore and arctic engineering, 2018.
- A Review and Methodology Development for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Offshore Fixed and Floating Wind turbine Power Converter with Digital Twin Technology Perspective. Sivalingam et al. Proceedings of 2018 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA), 2018.
- The impact of axial flow misalignment on a tidal turbine. Frost et al. Renewable Energy, 2017.
- Testing the robustness of optimal access vessel fleet selection for operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms. Sperstad et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Simulating Extreme Directional Wave Conditions. Draycott et al. Energies, 2017.
- Exploring Marine Energy Potential in the UK Using a Whole Systems Modelling Approach. Stegman et al. Energies, 2017.
- Reliability and O&M sensitivity analysis as a consequence of site specific characteristics for wave energy converters. Gray et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Hydrodynamic analysis of a ducted, open centre tidal stream turbine using blade element momentum theory. Allsop et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Characterisation of current and turbulence in the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility. Sutherland et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Application of an offshore wind farm layout optimization methodology at Middelgrunden wind farm. Pillai et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Hybrid, Multi-Megawatt HVDC Transformer Topology Comparison for Future Offshore Wind Farms. Smailes et al. Energies, 2017.
- Design diagrams for wavelength discrepancy in tank testing with inconsistently scaled intermediate water depth. Noble et al. International Journal of Marine Energy, 2017.
- Quantifying uncertainty in acoustic measurements of tidal flows using a 'Virtual' Doppler Current Profiler. Crossley et al. Ocean Engineering, 2017.
- Reliability prediction for offshore renewable energy: data driven insights. Ewing et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- An integrated data management approach for offshore wind turbine failure root cause analysis. Papatzimos et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- Physics-based gearbox failure model for multi-MW offshore wind turbines. Sepulveda et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- Constraints implementation in the application of reinforcement learning to the reactive control of a point absorber. Anderlini et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- De-risking marine energy project development through improved financial uncertainty analysis. Shah et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- Testing marine renewable energy devices in an advanced multi-directional combined wave-current environment. Noble et al. Proceedings of the ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2017.
- Development of a condition monitoring system for an articulated wave energy converter by FMEA. Kenny et al. 26th Conference on European Safety and Reliability (ESREL), 2016.
- Optimisation of Offshore Wind Farms Using a Genetic Algorithm. Pillai et al. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2016.
- The SPAIR method: Isolating incident and reflected directional wave spectra in multidirectional wave basins. Draycott et al. Coastal Engineering, 2016.
- The effects of wind-induced inclination on the dynamics of semi-submersible floating wind turbines in the time domain. Antonutti et al. Renewable Energy, 2016.
- Demonstrating a tidal turbine control strategy at laboratory scale. Harrold et al. Proceedings of the ASME 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2016.
- Comparison of offshore wind farm layout optimization using a genetic algorithm and a particle swarm optimizer. Pillai et al. Proceedings of the ASME 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2016.
- Review and application of Rainflow residue processing techniques for accurate fatigue damage estimation. Marsh et al. International Journal of Fatigue, 2016.
- Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind farm operation and maintenance cost and availability. Martin et al. Renewable Energy, 2016.
- Component reliability test approaches for marine renewable energy. Thies et al. Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2015.
- Offshore wind farm electrical cable layout optimization. Pillai et al. Engineering Optimization, 2015.
- An investigation of the effects of wind-induced inclination on floating wind turbine dynamics: heave plate excursion. Antonutti et al. Ocean Engineering, 2014.