**IDCORE Now Recruiting Industry Partners for 2023**

Sponsor world-class research and gain competitive advantage - host a dedicated research engineer for a three year in-depth project of your choice that addresses technical challenges in the offshore renewable energy sector.

The EPSRC and NERC Industrial Doctoral Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE) programme is now looking for ORE Industrial Partners to propose research projects.  The chosen projects will start in June 2023.

Projects can focus on any aspect of offshore renewable energy and should aim to make an original contribution to the company’s activities and practices or to knowledge in general.

Expert academic support is provided by all three parter institutions: University of Edinburgh, Universty of Strathclyde and University of Exeter.

For more details please make first contact with Andrew Aveyard - andrew.aveyard@ei.ed.ac.uk.  Pease also see the attached files below.

Project proposal deadline - 13th January 2023