GDG description

IDCORE Research Engineer - Eoghan Summers

‘GDG have provided me support and expertise whilst allowing me to shape my own project relating to green hydrogen.  This has allowed me to build a research project I’m very excited to work on, whilst also building up expertise in the area of green hydrogen for GDG.  They are using me as their ‘hydrogen guy’ in tendering exercises, and they have even had me delivering training on hydrogen to other professionals working in the renewables sector in Ireland.  It feels great to be playing an important role in building a bridge between the needs of the sector and the knowledge and capabilities available in academia.’ 

IDCORE Research Engineer, Ota Dvorak

Ota grew up in Prague, and graduated with an MEng in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh in 2022.  His project is focussed on evaluating the impact of government policy on floating offshore wind markets.  He is also a qualified sailing instructor.

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